After a long EIGHT months of trying to get him to go poopoo on the potty he did and then he didn't, he would and then he wouldn' was a long eight months! But he's finally been consistant for two weeks going every day on the potty...Hooray!! He had the peeing thing down even at night believe it or not....His motivation.....This little flashlight, he gets to play with it for an hour each time he goes on the potty and not in his underwear!! What also helped motivate him was when I put those thick underwear on him and he poopooed in them I made him treat it as if it was cloth diapers and would make him rinse them out by himself (with my supervision of course) in the toilet, at first he didn't mind doing this but after time and time again, he started not liking it and so he decided that it was much easier to go in the potty and we are so happy about that, he even wants to learn how to wipe himself!!
I did it I ran a Half Marathon
The kids and Sloane came to show their support! They have been amazing
support throughout the whole time I have been training ect. I have the most
11 years ago
Yea! That is wonderful, one less in diapers!