Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am GRATEFUL for a fun filled weekend!!

Gratitude Journal #40

Our good friendsThe Guthries came to visit! They decided to bear the elements with some of the kids being sick, we decided that between us both we have too many children to worry about being healthy so even though some were sick we got together anyways and we had a great time...It was Jenny and Sloane's Birthday weekend, Jenny's was on Friday and Sloane's was on Saturday. We stayed up late on Friday playing Ticket to Ride. On Saturday morning Jenny and I hit the Kidz again clothing store and practically bought everything in the store!! Jenny got These cute pink boots for Apple Dumplin' and she loved them, she looked so cute trying to walk in them! Then the Three older kids got to go see Lightening Thief and they loved that, the Three younger girls stayed home and watched Hannah Montana on Sloane's computer with Carmel Popcorn. Then to Celebrate the birthday's the grownups went on our traditional date night(we miss our traditional date nights) we went to Tucanos and they sung happy birthday to Sloane and Jenny and made them stand on their chairs and Sloane loved the bongos(he use to play them all the time on his mission) and he even threatened to take his shirt off!! Then we went to see the Lightening Thief and did our traditional stop at Walmart. Poor Michael got sick , Hope you feel better soon! Sassy got to hang out with old friends and had a great time. It was a fun filled weekend and we hope to do it again soon!! Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. What a great time we had and you guys were the best hosts! We are still talking about all the fun we had! Love you guys!
