Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am GRATEFUL for the Temple

Gratitude Journal Entry # 35

I know it's been a few days but it's been a long weekend with the kids getting over their colds and coughs Even my Poor little baby had a cough (I hate hearing that from my babies). Anyhow, I got to go to the temple for the first time since the baby has been born thanks to Grandma Karen on Saturday. It was a wonderful experience, things that I hadn't noticed before where jumping out at me, rich blessings that before we even came to this earth Heavenly Father blessed us with and protected us from, it was enlightening!! Then Saturday night I had a frightening dream, it was about the second coming and it was in the form of an explosion and I was in a large circular building and in the middle of the building was storage rooms for our food storage and I remember I kept going to the storage room counting my cans of Formula for the baby then I would go out and talk and have a good time with friends and family, I remember talking and laughing when someone told us that there was an explosion coming and so we all ducked and then nothing and then we went about talking again and then someone out of the blue came and told us that there was an explosion coming and it's bigger than we all thought so we all filed out the door and as we were looking around and I was holding my baby and then the explosion hit and it was HUGE and the baby was blown out of my hands and I was frantically looking for my baby and other family members when Neal came up and (I am crying even now, I can't even tell you what it was really like) We will just say he was badly injured and I was freaking out at this point and then Sloane came up and was trying to calm me down and because I was so out of it scared and all, I fainted and then woke up. I was so upset and crying when I woke up I went over to Sloane's side of the bed and just hugged him crying, then the baby woke up hungry and I went into the bathroom to get him a bottle when I was overcome with Satan's spirit because I was so scared. I laid back down and as I was feeding the baby the bottle I said a prayer that I would feel Heavenly Father's love and protection, and as soon as I did the fear left and then I received translation to the dream. I remember that I kept counting my formula cans in the dream well I was told that I worry enough about being physically ready but not enough spiritually because it's going to be worse than we all think it will be. Than I was inspired that I needed to bear my testimony Sunday morning (not about the dream) and then I was told what to say in my testimony. It must have touched people what I said because I had a lot of people coming up to me on Sunday.
That type of experience has happened twice now in my life and it is always a testimony builder that my Heavenly Father knows who I am and What I need in my life, I am not good at dealing with surprises and even just a little hint of a heads up on what's to come, I take heed.

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