Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am GRATEFUL for my big Four Year Old!!

Gratitude Journal #78

Today is EB's Birthday!! We are so happy that we have been blessed to have him in our lives for four wonderful years!! When we found out we were having another boy we were all so very happy, so that Dash wasn't going to be all alone as the only boy. Even though Dash and EB are seven years apart they are best buds and EB loves his older brother along with his other siblings. He's a very loving and quick minded little guy, and we love him a lot! Happy Birthday our sweet little boy!
I am also grateful that my favorite tree that EB is standing in front of didn't dye when we transplanted it there. We put a birch tree where it use to be, that tree has been the same size since we moved here and it's beautiful when it blooms once a year so we decided to put it in front of the kitchen window and I love looking out and seeing it everyday. The Birch tree will get really big, that is also my other favorite tree.
EB had a great birthday!! Card from Mema and Papa with a gift card to McDonalds. By his request we made him a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and he wanted it to look like a basketball (well I tryed!) it was the moistest chocolate cake I've made in a long time, once Sloane got ahold of it, it was gone!:) He got a little golf set and he just loved that! He had a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when he was just a baby! We love EB too, tell him Happy Birthday for us :)
