For four long weeks the kids went to the park three times a week to practice at 9AM! It was hard work but in the end their hard work payed off and the play was wonderful!! The two girls were Mermaids and cute one's too, and Dash was a Lost Boy and he loved that because he got to fight and play around, what he does best!! The girls had a cute mermaid dance that they did. Mema and Papa was there and Gale came too! It was hot but luckely we had umbrellas to keep us cool. Tiffany Wheeler is the amazing director that wrote the play, she does this every year for the kids, she is amazing!! Next year she is thinking of doing Robin Hood, we might be in that too! Too fun!!
I did it I ran a Half Marathon
The kids and Sloane came to show their support! They have been amazing
support throughout the whole time I have been training ect. I have the most
11 years ago
We attended the play and thought it was absolutely amazing!