We had such a great time visiting the Guthries this last weekend! Sloane BBQed in the Australian hat in the Rain! We had some yummy pies, they were so yummy! We went to watch the Joseph Smith movie in the Joseph Smith Memorial building, while Jenny watched our two youngest, A Big Thank You Jenny! Before the movie we ate at the Lion House and that was fun. I even got to stop into Bountiful and see my two uncles and aunts on our way down to Salt Lake, we love them. The kids got to ride the four wheelers, go to Cracker Barrel and get slushes and the BEST french fries EVER!! We went on our traditional date night, first we went Shopping for the Men for father's day, and of course they spent money on us too because we couldn't leave the mall without stopping in on the Big Bath and Body Works Sale! Then we went and ate at our favorite place the Blue Bird res. it is over a hundred years old with a cool old soda counter just like the olden days, they have great food but best of all they have the best Chocolate truffles. And last but not least we went and saw the movie The A-Team, it was so good we all liked it! We hung out and talked late nights, the kids helped Mike paint and they enjoyed that because they got to have a paint fight. We "Cleaned the Sinks" and the kids loved that and got real messy along with a stomach ache:) We enjoyed our last minute trip sometimes those are the best! Thanks guys!
I did it I ran a Half Marathon
The kids and Sloane came to show their support! They have been amazing
support throughout the whole time I have been training ect. I have the most
11 years ago
We sure love you guys! It was fun reading this and seeing the pictures, makes us want to do it again