Thursday, March 25, 2010

I am GRATEFUL for my Kids' dreams.....I Think?

Gratitude Journal Entry #67

So lately my eleven year old has been acting like a true eleven year old. I have been hoping and praying that somehow he will be jared out of what ever he's going through. So this morning he comes down stairs and right away tells me that he had a dream about me last night. He said it started out great, we were at Bear Lake at our Family Reunion (which we are going to this year) and he said it was a lot of fun. He was wake boarding ect. he said then you (mom) started not feeling very good and we all thought it was your gallbladder acting up again. We went home early and took you to the doctors and found out that you had cancer, he said "It was the fast pace dying kind," I said, "Well did I die?" and he said, "I woke up before you did." Well all morning he was being responsible, doing things that I normally have to remind him TWELVE times or more to do, and I think he said "I love you," five or more times this morning before he left for school. I remember as a kid or teenager having dreams about my parents dying and thinking that I needed to appreciate them more. So if that's what it takes to get him to appreciate me and his dad more, I will Take It!! ( I just hope it doesn't really come true, Yicks!;)

1 comment:

  1. I hope his dream doesn't come true too! But a little extra help because he appreciates you more would be wonderful!
