Friday, January 29, 2010

I am GRATEFUL for Organization!!

Gratitude Journal Entry #27

Our Relief Society has Really motivated me to get organized! Thanks Relief Society! My closet was a big mess and you couldn't find anything in it, so I spent ALL DAY and I am not kidding it took until 8:00 last night to go through everything. I started in the garage organizing my food storage and my shelves that had bins full of clothes etc. and then I takled the dreaded closet under the stairs, it's huge and full of junk that could be organized, so I decided that it will be better used for more food storage. Then I takled my bedroom closet and organized the birthday gifts for my kids to take for birthday parties and put them in labled boxes and all my scrapbooking stuff in drawers and picture books on the top shelf, so now I feel organized and I have stuff to donate for next week when we have our Relief Society swap night, I am excited!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you are awesome!!!
    There is no way I can be that organized...I am trying to be better!!! Good should be very proud!
