Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our new baby

Daniel Kahuhu

His middle name is Koa'pu'alilani which means heavenly warrior. We are so glad he's here, we love him so much! Yes I took this picture isn't it cute.
He weighed 7lbs. 6oz. one of my smallest babies, Ellise was my smallest at a wopping 6lbs. 14oz. when she was born. He was 21inches long. Born on the 28th at 5:15am. My shortest labor also, two hours!! Thank goodness since I was going natural again with a midwife. All went well and now he's here and we are enjoying him.


  1. He's adorable! Congrats to you and your family! love, Tiff=-)

  2. Jennece, he's adorable!! You are one amazing mama!! And what a great picture!!

  3. Oh, he is so sweet. Awesome job on the picture! I'm glad everything went well. Can't wait to meet him this summer. You are awesome!!

  4. Oh what a sweetie!!!
    Congrats on the new little one!

  5. Congratulations! He is so adorable. Hope all is going well.
